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0.77.0 release notes

Release date: 2021-07-21

How to upgrade

Download and launch the latest version:

At theZ:\> prompt, run config -wc to write the new configuration file. Any existing settings will be retained, however, extraneous comments will be dropped.

Significant changes

Migrated to the Meson build system

Migrated Staging from autotools to the Meson build system. Those building from source, please see in the repository. See: #854

macOS and SELinux security policy compliance

Added write-xor-execute page support to comply with the latest macOS and SELinux security policies

Thanks to jmarsh and Jonathan Campbell for discussions on vogons. See: #1031

Variable expansion in the interactive DOS shell

See: #1059

Finished FluidSynth integration

FluidSynth is now included in all release binaries. See the wiki notes for how to use it. Run MIXER /LISTMIDI in the DOS shell to see your available soundfonts.

Thanks to:

  • Christian Lestrade for authoring this support in 2005, and all subsequent maintainers.

  • Meson for adding FluidSynth to the WrapDB.

Finished MT-32 integration

The MT-32 emulator is now included in all release binaries. See the wiki notes for how to use it. Run MIXER /LISTMIDI in the DOS shell to see the available MT-32 models and versions.

See the list of unmissable MT-32 experiences, courtesy forum user Shreddoc and contributors.

Thanks to:

  • Canadacow for authoring MT-32 emulation in 2003, KingGuppy and Mok for the follow-on work, and SergM who continues to maintain and improve the Munt project today.

  • Meson for adding libmt32emu to the WrapDB.

  • Microsoft for adding libmt32emu to Vcpkg.

IBM PS/1 Audio device support

See the wiki notes for how to use it.

Thanks to JMK for authoring PS/1 Audio emulation in 2008.

Innovation SSI-2001 audio device support

See the wiki notes for how to use it.

Thanks to:

  • Vasyl for authoring SSI-2001 emulation in 2006.

  • Dag Lem for authoring, and Antti Lankila and Leandro Nini for improving the SID chip emulator.

macOS hotkey changes

Replaced the default Ctrl+F1 - F12 hotkeys on macOS with Cmd+F1 - F12 to reduce conflicts with the OS.

Thanks to Antti Peltola, Burrito78, and Kirk Klobe for guidance and testing.

Translation improvements

Added or improved translations for French, Italian, Polish, Russian, and Spanish.

Thanks to Draky50110 (fr), Kappa971 (it), dreamer (po), IlyaIndigo (ru), and Peluchito (es).

Improved startup settings

Added splash_only to the startup_verbosity settings. This shows the splash but skips the help banner.

Relative window size support

Three relative window sizes, small, medium, or large, are now understood by the windowresolution config setting. These T-shirt sizes correspond to a window that’s 25%, 50%, or 80% of your desktop’s area, regardless of DPI or type of monitor (be it 720p, 1080p, or 4K).

Window resizing enabled by default

Window resizing using corner-drag is now auto-enabled on all platforms when conditions permit.


The following user-visible bugs were fixed:

  • Will no longer lose focus on Raspberry Pi when launched fullscreen in an Xorg session. (#995)

  • Release builds now use dosbox-staging.conf as the primary config file instead of dosbox-staging-git.conf. (#932)

  • Windows release builds once again mount Opus CD-DA tracks, which was a regression in 0.76. (#885)

  • AUTOTYPE now works with all games. Until now, a subset of games didn’t respond to its keystrokes. (#942)

  • Shoulder triggers on some six-axis controllers, such as the PS4 and Logitech’s F310 and F710 controllers, can now be mapped. (#944)

  • When toggling out of fullscreen mode, in some corner cases this resulted in a blank window. This is now fixed. (#1096)


The 0.77 release includes 920 commits plus 35 commits originating from the DOSBox project.

DOSBox Staging members

The following members actively supported the project during the 0.77 timeframe:

  • Antti Peltola (macOS testing and feedback)
  • Brandon Munger (collaborator)
  • Burrito78 (macOS testing and feedback)
  • GranMinigun (testing and triage)
  • kcgen (maintainer)
  • Kirk Klobe (maintainer)
  • Dennis Lühring (collaborator)
  • nemo93 (Wiki maintainer)
  • Patryk Obara (maintainer)
  • Ruben Genoese (testing and triage)
  • Wengier (collaborator)

Direct contributors

The following authors, co-authors, wiki editors, translators, testers, and bug reporters directly contributed to the 0.77 release:

  • Allofich
  • Antti Peltola
  • Brandon Munger
  • Burrito78
  • Dennis Lühring
  • Didu
  • Draky50110
  • Dugan Chen
  • eli-schwart
  • Emmanuel Gil Peyrot
  • Feignint
  • Gilles
  • GranMinigun
  • hail-to-the-ryzen
  • IlyaIndigo
  • IPeluchito
  • jmarsh
  • Joshua Krämer
  • Kappa971
  • kcgen
  • Ken Händel
  • Kirk Klobe
  • mdmallard
  • nemo93
  • Otto Urpelainen
  • Patryk Obara
  • Peluchito
  • Ruben Genoese
  • rhys073
  • Sarah Whitman
  • Toby Jennings
  • warpdesign
  • Wengier

DOSBox contributors

The following DOSBox authors’ SVN commits (r4393 through r4459) were merged during the 0.77 timeframe:

  • jmarsh
  • Peter Veenstra
  • ripsaw8080
  • Sjoerd van der Berg

Indirect contributors

The following patch or external project authors’ sources were merged during the 0.77 timeframe:

  • Antti S. Lankila (reSIDfp maintainer)
  • Dag Lem (original reSID author)
  • David Reid (dr_libs audio codecs author)
  • Dean Beeler (original MT-32 patch author)
  • Jason Kim (PS/1 patch author)
  • Jonathan Campbell (DOSBox-X maintainer)
  • nukeykt (Nuked OPL emulator author)
  • sergm (Munt and MT-32 patch maintainer)
  • Vasyl Tsvirkunov (SS1-2001 patch author)
  • Wengier (DOSBox-X maintainer)
  • ykhwong (DOSBox Daum maintainer)

Thank you

We are extremely grateful for all contributions, including the invaluable improvements merged in from the DOSBox project.

The project maintains original authorship on all commits (including those from upstream, patches, and external projects) to ensure correct attribution is recorded in the version control system.